Getting Road Trip Ready

  • Jun 18,2019
Getting Road Trip Ready Getting Road Trip Ready

Aerial view of car cruising highway running along the coastIt’s that time of year again! Time to hit the open road and explore our endlessly beautiful planet. This time my journey began out west, in gold county, California. Of course, before heading out I made the obvious stop by Firestone Complete Auto Care to make sure my old lassy was ready to go. After getting the “go ahead,” I set off on the one highway to the Big Sur, an incredibly untouched stretch of coastline that is between San Francisco and San Luis Obisbo. Hugging tight to the highway, I bobbed and weaved along the cliffs and beaches. The views are endless out there. One of the most breathtaking sights along the coastline is McWay Falls. McWay Falls drops right down into the ocean meeting freshwater and the sea. I was fortunate enough to have the falls completely to myself that day. The gorgeous colors of May’s wild flowers added a nice touch to such a scenic stop. After taking it all in and snapping a few shots, I decided to move a little further up the coast to an area known for its population of elephant seals. I’d heard that during this time of year they migrate to a particular spot along the coast about one hour above Moray. There you'll find a few sanctuaries where the seals get to relax in peace. I am kind of a huge animal guy, so when I saw the signs it was a must-see and so worth the drive! After thoroughly enjoying the coast, I headed off to the Eastern Sierras - a favorite spot of mine.

From the coast to the Sierras, it's a good five-hour drive. At this point, I was feeling very fortunate I got my car checked out at Firestone Complete Auto Care so that when I arrived around 3am with the moon still high in the sky I did not have to stress. I decided to take advantage of the brilliant moonlight and capture some quality light trails before I hit the rack to squeeze in a few hours of sleep. As the sun started rising, I pulled out my drone to capture some aerials of the incredible landscapes. Seeing the view from above is such an unreal experience. With so much beauty to capture and so little time, it seems impossible to get all the shots you want – before you know it, the harsh light came in. It was still very beautiful and I could have taken a few more shots, but I needed to catch up on my sleep before going the extra few hours of driving.

Once I was awake, it was time to take off to Utah. Utah is probably the most ‘other-worldly’ place that I have been to. There is actually a real Mars base out there if you need any more reason to believe me. It may or may not be near a tiny town in Hanksville, Utah. Also if you have the ability to get off the beaten path and get your tires dirty, do it! You’ll be able to see places that most people don't even know exist on this planet. If that doesn't motivate you, I think these photos will.

This summer, if you’re feeling a bit adventurous, it’s always smart to make sure your vehicle can make the trip. Before I left, Firestone Complete Auto Care gave me a rundown on what to look out for and a list of all their locations across the country. Honestly, not much compares to the peace of mind you have when you know your car can go the distance. You can really just be carefree and live in the moment on our not so distant planet, explore and take it all in. I definitely encourage anyone who plans to make a long trip, to visit Firestone Complete Auto Care's website and schedule an appointment.

One of the most obvious reasons why you should travel by car is that you are 100 percent more flexible. No timetables, no schedules, no nothing. You can do whatever you want and feel like doing. And even better, you don’t need to plan where you are going. In fact, make it a point to not plan your stops. Let the highway take you away. Try to avoid all the “Are we there yets?” It’s about all the fun breaks, the pranks, the landscapes, the chats… just everything. Try to enjoy the trip. Don’t worry about what is in the past, or what is waiting down the road. It’s about the moment! It’s about you! It’s about everything and nothing!

Road trips for me are about exploration, early mornings and chasing sunsets. I’ll drive state to state in search of new areas. Driving through the night to wake up surprised by what lies ahead. I always try to take my vehicle off road in search of new experiences. My journey is to inspire others to get outside and make the most of the little time we have here on earth. Need a little road trip inspiration? Check out this blog on my recent road trip and photographer @davidallanjoyce. Get inspired by checking out the link in our bio. #firestoneautocenter #ad @firestoneautocare

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